

In order to promote communication and understanding between like-minded individuals and synergy between corporations, the Australia China Legal Group founded the Australia China Business Partnership.

The partnership motto is

“Wealth Through Connectivity”

This partnership serves as a platform for our clientele to meet, socialise and enjoy full access to our network and all the opportunities that this affords. All clients of the Australia China Legal Group are invited to become members of the Australia China Business Partnership and join us in creating opportunity through synergy.

We understand that our Chinese clients have vast contacts in China. However, when arriving in a new country to conduct business, a individual's network or contacts may be limited. The Australia China Business Partnership seeks to bridge this gap – for both Chinese in Australia and Australians in China.

Importantly, the Australia China Business Partnership is a not for profit organisation that exists only to serve its members, to foster long lasting relationships, and maximise wealth and opportunities in Australia and China.

The Australia China Business Partnership allows for our client members to circulate and network with other high net worth individuals, politicians, executives and other high-ranking government officers in a secure and private environment.

Current members have explored opportunities with off-market development opportunities, pre-stock market launch investments, corresponding with local, state and federal politicians, and commercial joint-venture activities.

We invite our clients to join the Australia China Business Partnerships and engage with our decade long contacts, fellow members, and patrons to gain immediate access to the right people to help obtain results quickly.