
Our Lawyers

Our legal team have each been successful commercial business owners, and possess a special blend of commercial skill and legal reality, which is key to success in Australia.

Our lawyers come from a diverse range of legal backgrounds, and have gained experience within private sector law firms located in Australia, the United Kingdom, Singapore, Hong Kong and Dubai; together with the government sector in Australian State Government legal institutions and Australian Local Government offices. In 2005, one of our founding directors was appointed to the position of Deputy Registrar and Deputy Sheriff of the Supreme Court of Queensland by Her Excellency the Governor of Queensland, acting in her capacity as representative of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and the Executive Council of Queensland.

Our lawyers demonstrate considerable skills in commercial and legal fields in China and Australia. During the past decade, our lawyers have perfected the integration of Chinese business and Australian law, and vice versa. The Australia China Legal Group is the only law firm in Australia to provide this level of focus and dedication to the commercial and legal relationship between Australia and China.

Unlike other law firms, the Australia China Legal Group does not use your legal matters to train junior staff or develop knowledge and skills. Other law firms give the impression that your matters are handled by senior lawyers. However, in truth your matter would usually be handled by a multitude of new university graduates, paralegals and junior staff. We only employ senior lawyers, and our support staff only provide administrative assistance and are not involved in the handling of your legal matter. Once accepted, our clients have one lawyer from the start of their file, allowing them to build a proper relationship of trust and respect.

Our lawyers are multilingual, and are fluent in written and verbal English, Cantonese, Mandarin and Japanese.