
Our History

The Honourable Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG stated in 2002

“Australia and China are friends. Our peoples each have responsibility for large portions of the earth’s surface. China’s population is huge; Australia’s is quite small. Our respective histories have been very different. Our legal systems are different. Yet a number of forces are drawing us together… [but] true friendship rests on knowledge.”

It was in this statement that we discovered the essence of the Australia China Legal Group and used it to create the only law firm in Australia that focuses solely on understanding and limiting the differences between our two nations, gaining knowledge and establishing and maintaining social and commercial bridges that facilitate positive legal results and wealth generation for our clients.

The Australia China Legal Group was the brainchild of its two founding directors, both of whom, after over a decade of dealing with Australian and Chinese clientele, recognised a gap between the Australian legal industry and the Australasian commercial landscape. The founders set about creating an entirely new concept for servicing legal clients and commercial contacts, which can be expressed in four words.


Allows us to provide Greater personal service, unparalleled focus, and commitment on the areas of law that our exclusive demographic of clients require.
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We understand and balance every aspect of our clients' overarching goals or long-term aims, and match it with the most appropriate legal, and commercial, strategy.
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Recognising that to specialise as we do, will ultimately provide our clients with more advantages via the best specific and regional knowledge and opportunities.
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Australia China Business Partnership is a platform for our clientele to meet, socialise and enjoy full access to our network and all the opportunities it grants.
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Since our incorporation as a legal practice in Australia, the Australia China Legal Group has successfully implemented a result-focused style to legal and business advice. By successfully and regularly combining legal strategy, as a tool, and commercial acumen, as a focus, we obtain our clients’ objectives.

Due to the ongoing success of the Australia China Legal Group legal and business model, we have expanded our legal and business operations, and have opened further offices in Singapore, Hong Kong and the Peoples Republic of China.