

A fact that usually surprises people is that a law firm is a commercial business, which by nature operates for profit. As a result, a client is typically treated as a revenue stream.

The Australia China Legal Group is different. One of the most unique elements that separates the Australia China Legal Group from any other law firm in the world is that we are exclusive. Becoming our client is strictly by invitation only, and is considered to be more akin to becoming a member of an exclusive network.

In limiting and being selective about our clientele, we prove to our clients that we do not focus on a fast turnover of clients and legal matters and we do not treat our clients as a revenue stream. The Australia China Legal group is interested in far greater outcomes, which can be derived only through long term relationships, trust and unfettered commitment.

Our focus is in the quality of legal advice given, not the quantity of clients. We provide our clients with the perfect environment to generate wealth and opportunity in China and Australia.

Through our exclusivity our clients benefit.


Allows us to provide a greater personal service.


Means that we have the time to devote to each of our clients and conduct professional, thorough work of an exceptionally high quality.


Enables us to deliver unparalleled focus and commitment to the areas of law that our exclusive demographic of clients require.


Facilitates our ability to administer exceptional confidentiality and protection.

The current clientele of the Australia China Legal Group extends to Australian and Chinese politicians, high net worth individuals, global corporations, landowners and executives. Our insight and approach is shaped by working with such individuals, and working with a selected group allows us to specially tailor our approach to better serve our clients.